Meet the Kids

Julianna's Story

Julianna is a foster child and talks about one of the ways people can help. FosterMore provided her story as an attempt to show how anyone can help kids in these situations. She discusses her experience having a mentor and how it impacted her life. Julianna had kids telling her that she would not make it to college because she was a foster child. This is an expectation of many foster kids because people stereotype how they are expected to behave. Julianna planned to prove these people wrong though. Her teacher became her mentor and pushed her to do well in school so she could graduate and do well in school. Mentoring is one way that an ordinary person can impact a foster child's life. It is a way to provide guidance and push a kid to succeed to the best of their abilities. This video was found on The link to Julianna telling her story is below.

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